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In a graphics program, the word "object" is usually used to imply any shape created using primitives. Thus an object is a collection of primitives which may be treated as a single group.
The origin of a coordinate system is the point where all the coordinate axes meet. More accurately, it is the state in which all the coordinates have the value zero (or alternatively, they all have pre-defined base values). The origin serves as a reference point relative to which other states or positions can be identified.
Raytracers output images in various formats. The simplest way is to just print the colour values on the screen. This gives no direct visual information about the picture. A more refined method is to display the picture on the screen as it is being (or after it has been) rendered. This is convenient, but the picture is not stored permanently and cannot be manipulated by other programs. Most raytracers have the facility of outputting image data to a file. The file is usually in one of the widely used image formats such as Windows Bitmap (BMP), Compuserve Graphics Interchange Format (GIF), PPM or Targa (TGA) so that it can be displayed by popular image viewers.