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Siggraph educational material on raytracing: Good basic stuff, covers almost everything from the maths to acceleration and other advanced techniques. Not much detail, but it's a good place to visit.
The good-looking textured light-sourced bouncy fun smart and stretchy page: Eminently readable articles on graphics techniques, written by Hugo Elias.
Ray Tracing News Guide: The HTML version of the famous "Ray Tracing News" newsletter maintained by Eric Haines. A new issue (August 2001) is out, and the previous ones are also well worth reading.
comp.graphics.algorithms and comp.graphics.rendering.raytracing: Must-visit newsgroups for any graphics and raytracing buff. Read the posts, join in the discussions, ask questions, or get the satisfaction of helping someone out of a knotty problem. But please, observe Netiquette and follow the guidelines!
Part 1 and Part 2 of the comp.graphics.rendering.raytracing FAQ. Good basic information.
This link is defunct. If it ever starts working again (or if the same stuff gets put up elsewhere) please let me know because this was a really good resource.
Three-Dimensional Graphics -- Realistic Rendering, by Morris Firebaugh. Excellent account of raytracing, radiosity and the RenderMan approach. In fact take a look at the whole set of articles on computer-aided visualization by MF.
TOG Literature On-Line: A good library of graphics links.
www.povray.org: The homepage of the immensely popular (and free!) POV-Ray raytracer. You can download POV-Ray executables and source code here, and check the latest news on future versions of POV. There're also comprehensive lists of links to the home pages of various people, raytracers and rendering/modelling tools.
The RADIANCE Lighting Simulation and Rendering System: Greg Ward's original paper on the Radiance raytracer and the techniques Ward developed at Lawrence Berkeley Labs and EPFL for accurate lighting calculations and rendering. Radiance is physically-based and is widely used for lighting design (and like POV-Ray, it's free!).
RenderMania: A frequently updated graphics news site. After the newsgroups, one of the best places to go to know what's going on in the graphics community, and one which offers a much wider perspective than the NG's
Ray Tracing -- Graphics for the Masses: An article by Paul Rademacher in the ACM Crossroads Student Magazine
Google Raytracing Directory: Links to raytracing sites
On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences: Nothing to do with raytracing, but an amazing compilation nevertheless. (Try entering the sequence 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21... and see the results -- you thought it was just Fibonacci?)